
Petizione contro la distruzione del cimitero islamico di Gerusalemme

cliccando sul sito potete firmare velocemente una petizione per chiedere alla Svizzera, in nome della Quarta Convenzione di Ginevra, di bloccare la distruzione da parte di Israele del cimitero musulmano di Gerusalemme, per costruire il museo della "Tolleranza". Petition for Urgent Action on Human Rights Violations by Israel: Desecration of Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Muslim Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

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The UN Human Rights Council passed three resolutions regarding Palestine.  In the first of these resolutions, entitled "The Grave human Rights violations by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", there are 14 actionable items.  One of which specifically refers to Mamilla Cemetery:

(The Human Rights Council) 
" Expresses its grave concern at the excavation of ancient tombs and removal of hundreds of human remains from part of the historic Ma'Man Allah (Mamilla) Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem in order to construct a 'Museum of Tolerance' and calls upon the Government of Israel to immediately desist from such illegal activities therein; "

The resolution was passed 31-9-7.

Thank you all for your support!

Huda al Imam
The Centre for Jerusalem Studies
Al Quds University


The UN Human Rights Council passed three resolutions regarding Palestine.  In the first of these resolutions, entitled "The Grave human Rights violations by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", there are 14 actionable items.  One of which specifically refers to Mamilla Cemetery:

(The Human Rights Council) 
" Expresses its grave concern at the excavation of ancient tombs and removal of hundreds of human remains from part of the historic Ma'Man Allah (Mamilla) Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem in order to construct a 'Museum of Tolerance' and calls upon the Government of Israel to immediately desist from such illegal activities therein; "

The resolution was passed 31-9-7.

Thank you all for your support!

Huda al Imam
The Centre for Jerusalem Studies
Al Quds University


Campaign to Preserve Mamilla Jerusalem Cemetery



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