EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)

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18/19-[Palestina] John Paul II Games (maratona)

8th Edition 18-19 May 2011
Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, ISC (Italian Sporting Center) and CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) are pleased to invite you to JPII Games 2011 - Pilgrims of Peace, the marathon- pilgrimage named after John Paul II that promotes peace in the Holy Land.
The marathon is a non-competitive race uniting Bethlehem and Jerusalem and includes pilgrims, athletes, sport champions, as well as ordinary participants who represent Italy, Israel and Palestine. This is not the only sporting event in the context of this pilgrimage to the Holy Land as there will be a number of other sporting disciplines.
We believe combining a pilgrimage with sports is a winning formula that can help facilitate a dialogue, open new paths and create the possibility for peace. This formula aims to support the values that exalt the dignity of man as a creature of God.
We also believe in the importance of all the local organizations and that is why we invite you to take part in this extraordinary event. Together we can work to become messengers of peace.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating. For further information please contact:
Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi
Via della Pigna, 13/a - 00186 Roma (RM)  
Tel. 06 698961 - Fax 06 69880513
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