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03/05- Islamic Finance and Law (seminario)

Rome Tor Vergata Islamic Finance Summer School - III Edition - Rome, 3 - 5 July 2013

Managing pluralism in market economy
Rome Tor Vergata Islamic Finance Summer School - III Edition
Rome, 3 - 5 July 2013


Managing pluralism in market economy
Rome Tor Vergata Islamic Finance Summer School - III Edition
Rome, 3 - 5 July 2013

Although Islamic finance has constantly grown in the last decades, key
theoretical and operative issues, such as the incidence of Islamic law in this
market, are still under debate. Recognizing the relevance of these issues, the
Summer School aims at providing a comprehensive guide to Islamic
finance and law in a context of pluralism.
By gathering major experts on the interaction between law and religion, as
well as between ethics and economics in a frame of cultural diversity, the
School will prove an illuminating opportunity for students, researchers and
professionals to investigate the impact on market economy of an
increasingly globalised world.
The Summer School comprises three days of lectures and round tables, with
regard to three fundamental subject-matters:
- Ethics and religion in market economy;
- The challenge of Islamic finance: law, economics and business
- Islamic finance: a global market, an opportunity for the Mediterranean.

For the detailed programme, visit

The Summer School is addressed both to practitioners (bankers, lawyers,
economic advisors, members of NGOs...), students and researchers in
Finance, Economics, Law, Religious and Islamic Studies, as well as
International and Political Studies.

All the lectures are held in English. No translation service is provided.

Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme


Deadline: 28 June 2013
To register, please visit

Registration fees
€300 for professionals
€250 for researchers
€200 for students

Early registration fees
(by 12 June 2013)
Registration fees
are reduced respectively
to €250, €200 and €150

The fees include tuition, administrative
expenses, teaching material,
refreshments and lunches.
Accommodation and travel expenses
are not covered by the fees.
Discounts on the fees are possible for
groups of 5 or more people:
on the point, please contact
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All the participants
will receive a
certificate of attendance

Please refer to the
Summer School website,
section “Contacts and info”

- CEIS Tor Vergata, Centre for Economic and International Studies
- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of
Rome Tor Vergata

Academic Coordinator
Valentino Cattelan

For any further information,
please contact
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or call
+39 06 72595405


Daniele Atzori
Editorial Team Coordinator
“Papers of Dialogue” (AGI)
FEEM Senior Researcher

Valentino Cattelan
Lecturer in Islamic Finance
University of Rome Tor Vergata

Celia de Anca
Professor of Global Diversity
Instituto de Impresa (IE), Madrid

Eleanor de Rosmorduc
Senior Adviser
Luxembourg for Finance (LFF)

Nicholas HD Foster
Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law
School of Law, SOAS
University of London

Gabriella Gimigliano
Lecturer in Business Law, University of Siena
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Napoli Federico II

Federica Miglietta
Researcher in Financial Economics
University of Bari

Tommaso Vito Russo
Professor of Civil Law
University of Salento

Maria Grazia Starita
Researcher in Financial Economics
University of Napoli Parthenope

Tommaso Saltini
Research Fellow
ALTIS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Business Development Manager
Impact Capital, MENASA Region

Rebecca Schönenbach
Ethical and Islamic finance investments expert
Raven-Center, Berlin



The global growth of Islamic finance has raised among practitioners and scholars new significant interest in the interaction between law and religion, as well as between ethics and economics. At the same time, the assertion of religious law in the area of commercial life, where secularism rules throughout the rest of the world, is contributing to challenge the neutrality of market economy, which is currently re-shaped in the light of cultural diversity also by the forces of globalization.
Consequently, new topical questions are brought to scholarly attention and market practice, such as:
- which is the relation between ethical and Islamic finance?
- is it possible a convergence between Islamic finance and other forms of ethical investments?
- more generally, which are the challenges that pluralism and cultural diversity imply for market economy, with regard to law, economics and business management?
- last, but not least, which are the future prospects for the Islamic financial market?
In the attempt to reply to all these interrelated questions, the Summer School aims at exploring Islamic finance and law according to a multi- and inter-disciplinary perspective, providing attendants with fundamental tools to deal with pluralism in market economy as an opportunity for development and growth.


The Summer School is structured around three fundamental subject-areas, covering aspects of ethics, religion, law and economics related to Islamic finance, as outlined below.
3 July 2013
14.00 – 14.15 Registration
14.15 – 15.15
Islamic finance and law: ethical investments or alternative capitalism?
Valentino Cattelan, University of Rome Tor Vergata
15.15 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 16.30
How likely is a convergence of Islamic banks, Church banks and Ethic banks? An insight into the current debate on products, rating and development
Rebecca Schönenbach, Raven-Center
4 July 2013
10.00 – 11.00
The law of Islamic finance: lex mercatoria or emergent legal system?
Nicholas HD Foster, School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London
11.00 – 11.15 Break
11.15 – 12.00
Luxembourg: the strategies of a leading financial centre to facilitate Islamic finance
Eleanor de Rosmorduc, Luxembourg for Finance
12.00 – 12.45
Accommodating Islamic finance in the EU legal framework
Gabriella Gimigliano, University of Siena
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 15.15
Comparing conventional and Islamic banking contracts: a focus on risk management
Maria Grazia Starita, University of Napoli Parthenope
15.15 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 16.30
Identity, finance and cultural diversity: the role of community
Celia de Anca, IE Business School
5 July 2013
Round Table
10.00 – 12.30 [11.00 – 11.15 Break]
Islam, politics and market economy
Daniele Atzori, Editorial Team Coordinator “Papers of Dialogue” (AGI)
Islamic project finance: principles and operative outcomes
Tommaso Vito Russo, University of Salento
The sukuk market: overview and prospective trends
Federica Miglietta, University of Bari
Impact capital for impact entrepreneurs in the MENA region –
An investment approach in compliance with Islamic finance
Tommaso Saltini, ALTIS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
12.30 Remise des Diplômes
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch and Greetings


Contacts and info

Organization and contacts
The Summer School is part of the Jean Monnet Module Integrating Islamic finance in the EU market, granted by the European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme (2011-2013) and coordinated by Dr. Valentino Cattelan. The Module is administrated by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
The III Edition of the Rome Islamic Finance Summer School is jointly administrated by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (http://www.ue.uniroma2.it/jeanmonnet ) and CEIS - Centre for Economic and International Studies (http://www.ceistorvergata.it ), University of Rome Tor Vergata.
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The Summer School takes place at Istituto per l'Oriente (IPO), i.e. Institute for the East (now Istituto per l'Oriente Carlo Alfonso Nallino, IPOCAN, www.ipocan.it ), the oldest Italian institution of studies and research on the modern and contemporary Arab-Islamic world, founded in 1921. Its library, rich in over 35,000 volumes and 300 periodicals, represents nowadays the widest Italian collection of specialist historical, political, socio-economic and legal texts about the modern and contemporary Near and Middle East.
How to reach Istituto per l'Oriente
The Institute is located at via Alberto Caroncini, 19 (Parioli district, in the north area of Rome), and can be reached from Rome Termini train station by bus n. 217 (direction: XVII Olimpiade). Otherwise, you can easily organize your travel plan by checking the website www.atac.roma.it .
La Grande Moschea di Roma
The Mosque of Rome (Italian: Moschea di Roma, viale della Moschea 85) is the largest mosque in Europe. Financed by King Faysal of Saudi Arabia and completed in 1994, the Mosque is located in a walking distance from IPO and can be easily visited by the participants in the Summer School.
Who should participate

The Summer School is addressed both to practitioners (bankers, lawyers, financial advisors, members of NGOs...) and students and researchers in Finance, Economics, Law, Religious and Islamic Studies, as well as International and Political Studies.
Combining a solid academic background with a professional-oriented approach, the Summer School constitutes an event of strong appeal for students, researchers and professionals with an interest in emergent markets, international economics and financial globalization.
All the lectures of the Summer School are held in English. No translation service is provided.
Certificate of attendance
All the participants will receive a certificate of attendance.



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