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2- Behind the Intentions (documentario)

the Parents Circle – Families Forum,


Wee have just been informed that the documentary film "Behind the Intentions", which describes the ideas and concepts of the PCFF on the background of the TV series "Good Intentions", will be screened in Rome at the ASIATICAFILMMEDIALE festival, on November 2 at 18:15, 

at "Tempio de Adriano" (Piazza de Pietra).


Ayelet Bargur, the bereaved sister of Ziv Bargur, a well known and awarded Israeli film maker has produced this film, which is actually the "making of" the 10 chapters TV series "Good Intentions", which was screened in the Israeli Channel 2 and told the story of two ladies, a Palestinian and an Israeli, both "haut cuisine" chefs, who met and discover each other, the humanity of each other through tragic events that uncover the life of the two peoples.

The series was the product of the PCFF initiative.

watch the 48 minutes film and meet Ayelet Bargur.




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