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28-4 genn- [Betlemme] Seminario Ponti invece di muri


“Ponti invece di muri”

Seminario formativo internazionale organizzato dal centro israelo-palestinese AIC


28.12.2010 - 04.01.2011

Dal 28 dicembre al 4 gennaio l’AIC, un’organizzazione non governativa con sede a Beit Sahour (Betlemme/Cisgiordania), che attraverso la sua attività giornalistica, di ricerca accademica e di coordinazione politica promuove l’uguaglianza dei sessi, quella sociale ed economica, cosi come i valori di libertà, democrazia e rifiuto della politica di segregazione, terrà un seminario di formazione in Cisgiordania.

In coordinazione con numerosi altri gruppi della società civile palestinese ed israeliana, l’AIC accompagnerà i partecipanti attraverso un intenso percorso di seminari, corsi, incontri, dibattiti e visite turistiche al fine di amplificare la presa di coscienza sull’attuale situazione palestinese ed i suoi risvolti economici, politici e sociali. Alla base dell’impegno politico e sociale deve collocarsi un’analisi critica della società palestinese ed israeliana e una visione del conflitto come parte di una dimensione globale.

Il seminario sarà tenuto in inglese.

Iscrizioni entro il 15 dicembre 2010!

Per coprire le proprie spese organizzative, l’AIC addebita 350€ per il programma completo, comprese tutte le attività, il vitto, l’alloggio e il trasporto sul posto.

 Per qualsiasi informazione contattateci : www.alternativenews.org

Oppure: Ufficio in Beit Sahour: 00972 2 2775444

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Invitation to the

6th  International Political Field Seminar
Bridges Instead of Walls!

28th of December 2010 to the 4th of January 2011!


Organized by the Alternative Information Center (AIC)

The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization. It is engaged in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. The AIC strives to promote full individual and collective social, economic, political and gender equality. Freedom and democracy, as well as rejection of the philosophy and practice of separation, are aims that the AIC pursues.




The goal of this field seminar is to provide participants with elements crucial to deeply understanding  the context and society of Palestine and Israel, thus enabling them to better advocate on behalf of a just peace in the region.   

Directly experiencing the effects of the conflict, as well as the living and political conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, will provide a unique, on the ground experience, as opposed to an understanding based on media, propaganda or rumors. This is a necessary step in the process of understanding the factors that have led to the present situation.  Comprehensive knowledge is the necessary starting point for building bridges.

The Palestinian voice is often ignored or accused  of extremism. As a joint Palestinian-Israeli organisation founded in 1984,  the AIC aims to create spaces in which the Palestinian people  themselves explain their struggle and give direct witness to their life under occupation.

During the seminar we will also conduct interactive meetings and workshops with Israeli experts and associations that share the same values of the AIC and are deeply engaged in promoting a just peace and social justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.

The networking of individuals, associations, political parties, information and media workers is fundamental in building a pressure group able to encourage governments and economic groups to act responsibly, without ignoring the consequences of their actions or non-actions.



The  main guidelines adopted throughout the 7 day field seminar follow a logical path: providing elements for deeper, reflective understandings, having direct experiences, developing a critical approach and giving suggestions for effective advocacy.


The first step consists in presenting the general framework of Palestine and Israel with historical and political elements. We will present the AIC vision, policies and activities in the field, and also a more comprehensive global perspective related to the attitude of western and Arab countries toward the conflict.

·        The first on the ground experience will be a visit to the Apartheid Wall and refugee camps in the Bethlehem area.

·        The group will attend a demonstration in support of nonviolent resistance.

·        During a visit to Hebron, where human rights violations occur on a daily basis, participants will meet an association for the monitoring of settlements in Hebron

·         During our weekly event at the AICafé, participants will meet movements for the Nonviolent Resistance.

·        A visit to Jerusalem is scheduled to see the reality of the Israeli settlements, both in and surrounding the Old City.

·        A tour of Jaffa will highlight the ongoing dispossession of the Palestinian population there, and will include meetings with Palestinian and Israeli social activists. 

·        In Ramallah we will explore the topic of detention and political prisoners with an association of specialized lawyers and activists, and have a meeting with members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and Palestinian politicians.

·        Together we will explore the economic dimensions of the Israeli occupation, in addition to women and gender issues within both Palestinian and Israeli societies.

·        A lecture about Israeli society will offer elements for understanding critical dynamics; the participants, moreover, will meet Israeli women and men who refuse to serve in the Israeli military.

·        Palestinian activists will present their activities, and participants will experience the traditional hospitality of a Palestinian family in Beit Sahour.

On request we send to you the precise program. Some changes are possible, although the aforementioned structure and topics will be maintained.

All lectures will be held in English.


Registration deadline: 15th December 2010


Costs: EUR  350  (EURO 100 deposit and EURO 250 upon arrival) incl. all meals, accommodation, transportation, workshops, visits and lectures. This fee does not include transportation to the region or health insurance for the period of the field seminar.

The AIC cannot accept any responsibility for any injury or damage that you may cause to yourself, others, or property during the field seminar.

More info at:


Facebook Group: Bridges Instead of Walls!

Bethlehem +972 2 277 5444

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